"Why Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted"

In Malcolm Gladwell’s “Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted,” social medias such as Twitter and Facebook are discussed and how they impact society today in a way that it did not in the past.  On February 1, 1960  four African American college students from Greensboro, North Carolina were at a diner and were refused service, which started a giant sit-in. This sit-in spread like crazy without the influence and use of social media. In this day and age it seems almost impossible to host a party, event, or any type of protest without the use of Facebook and Twitter.  

As a Public Relations major I have gotten the idea of social media pounded into my brain! And from my personal opinion I think that social media is a current way of communication that we should embrace instead of trying to fight. Yes, we all do the posts  "Girl's night!" or "I just saw a guy wearing a turtle outfit, awesome day." But if we use social media to make people aware of social events, political standpoints, social issues, new products and services, and ways to improve ways of living, social media will be one of the strongest tools we will ever have!

From personal experience, my business that I started, HMS Photography, has become very successful because of getting my pictures posted on Facebook and Twitter, finding new clients, and being able to spread the word of my products and services! So cheers social media, I hope you're around for a very long time!

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