R.I.P Chase

Hello world, sorry I’ve been absent on here lately. A friend of mine passed away this past weekend and it was a very hard time for my friends and I. I haven’t been to a funeral since I was little; and after this weekend I can say without any hesitation, it’s beyond words heartbreaking. After seeing his mother kiss his lifeless body in that casket along with his casket before being lowered into the cold ground; was beyond words. Seeing my loved ones morn in such sadness struck something in me; something that I know had been there all along but never was triggered in such a way. That life is such an unpredictable thing; and the only thing we can count on is our own use of the days we are given. Realizing that such an amazing person’s life was stripped so early in life was a complete mystery and devastation. But the while watching my friends shed rains of tears this weekend I realized that they are still here; we were all blessed with that extra day that Chase unfortunately was not. And we have each other here to always remember the good times and share crazy and humorous stories with him by our sides. And we must cherish each person in our lives while they are here, because you never know when it will be their time. Chase, I hope you were looking down on everyone that day of your wake. I have never seen so many people lined up to get into a building in my life. It was a constant train of people for hours at a time, which says something. You were such a great person and such a great friend, you will be missed but never forgotten.

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