I challenge you!

I challenge you. Stop for a few minutes. Stop everything you’re doing and just sit; sit and clear your mind. And focus on feeling; not on thinking, just feeling. Do you feel happy? The extraordinary and ironically sad thing is; the poorest of the poor can be the wealthiest in happiness; and the ones swimming in pools of riches can be drowning in self sorrow.
            This is because happiness is not based on materialistic items, world records, or the amount of “friends we have”. Happiness is not a word defined in Webster’s dictionaries. It is a term that you yourself create, inside your inner layers of character, self respect, and appreciation; not within the tattered pages of Webster’s definition of a  nine-letter word slapped on a page beside thousands of other words. Happiness can be simply defined; but it is your choice if you want to peel apart those layers of purpose inside yourself to create and fulfill your own definition.
            And one will only reach this self definition if they take the time to realize the light within themselves. All it takes to light the candle burning within you is a spark; a spark between a new friend or loved one; a spark of imagination; or a flash of hope.
            Know that you are not like anyone else; others may cause the storm, but you’re a snowflake, mixed up in it all but beautiful and unique; no one is the same as you. You will end up on different parts of the world; melting and falling at different levels; but still finding the beauty in it all.  And even though from the outside you may look the same, the ones who take the time to get close to you and will notice your individual beauty and shine; and will appreciate your worthiness; and set you apart from the rest.
            With a cleared mind what do you see? It should not be loaded work schedules, late car payments, or a list boldly marked “TO DO”. It should have peace of mind; knowing that doing that simple hobby you always enjoyed will make a clocks face fade away; and all time will be lost within self indulgence. “To Do’s” become faint and the “Right Now” comes into focus.
            Clear your head; find the inner layers of yourself that are constantly clouded with the storms of angst and stressed frustrations. Because when you find light through those clouds that will be your spark; the hope and self worth to make yourself happy. Happiness is in everyone’s reach; find it; grasp it; and never let it go, before it’s too late.

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