BMA event

Can you say helpful? Eye-opening? Yummy!? Well I sure can; last night BMA held an event the Manpower Office in Milwaukee, WI. When I walked into the building I had butterflies going nuts in my tummy; this kind of event was very new to me. But pizza was the first part, (yummy!) which calmed my nerves a little bit! But after stuffing my face with a variety of kinds of pizza, I saw the social media presentation from Fullhouse. The speakers @Apiwarun, @haleylandsman, and @stratocasting. I learned so much valuable information about social media and how important it is when getting a job! I am proud to say first thing this morning I got on a number of social media sites and busted my little tooshy on getting my name out there! I am a now a proud member of LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and going to make a weebly. The speed interviewing portion of the night was scary at first, but was actually really enjoyable! I just acted myself and got amazing reviews from the people who I interviewed with. I am proud to say that my small business I started has given me the confidence and experience to communicate and carry myself. I walked out of this event with not only tips on how to further my chances at a further career, but the confidence in myself that by just being myself will and can get me very far! :) Thanks again BMA and Manpower, I plan on coming to more events in the future!


  1. Hi Heather! I also found the event eye-opening and more importantly, YUMMY. What a great experience. I was also incredibly nervous about the interviews, but took so much away from it :)

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed the event as well! I really hope that we can attend more events together! I'm so glad that you are using the tools you've learned to bring into your business as well! Don't worry, I've already retweeted about your business and links to your amazing photos!

  3. Isn't it funny how eye opening one experience can be? I know that after the BMA event, and even more specifically the interviewing part, I felt like I already was more prepared to take on the "real world". I already look forward to attending this event next year and making more connections! :)

  4. I loved this event as well. Great advice for future reference when going to interviews!
