If you wanna sell pop tarts off a truck for a living, DO IT!

Okay world, I just attended another networking event. And I must say if I am going to do what some of these people do all the time, I better love my job. So here's what I decided: I'm going to put all my talents and passions in a pot. Ready, Set, GO! So the first ingredient is going to be photography (picture perfect woot woot!), then I'm going to add networking and promotions, mixed in with event planning, then top it off with a dash of writing. VOILA! The most amazing and satisfying job I could lay my hands on. And I think that everyone would do this. Hell, you only live once. Love what you do and do what you love because if you wake up every morning saying I HAVE to go to work; that's not how it should be. I want to spring out of my bed, ideas rolling and tummy rumbling for that perfect job I dished up for myself. So if you love pop tarts, and you like selling things, and you love driving around in an ice-cream truck looking vehicle; you sell them pop tarts! And you sell them with pride people! Seriously, create your own work recipe, because that’s what you're gonna be eatin’ every single day my dears.

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