365 days. Think I can do it?

Alright Blog World! Here's the latest:
I had an idea yesterday that I was going to put my photography skills to the test; along with my self discipline (365 days is no walk in the park!). I am going to take a picture every single day for 365 days; I post them  to my flickr account as well as my Facebook daily. You have been warned: These pictures may be random and out there; but that's how I am! And admit it...everyone likes looking at things that are out of the ordinary! Heck, think of how many pictures there are out there of Michael Jackson's nose! (But for real R.I.P though MJ, your music was amaz-za-zing). Anyway, this is the second day of my challenge and I must get going to snap a shot. Want to see my pictures? I know you do! So check them out to see what my unique little mind has come up with this time.

And remember, no matter how much you think you master something there is always new things to learn and help you grow. Never settle, always reach for mastering the next new thing! Tootles :)

Linked where? LinkedIn!

Katie Felten (@katiefelten) recently came to my Public Relations Tactics class to talk about this booming social media called LinkedIn. Katie currently holds a position as a promoter and strategist at MKELive.
Going into this presentation I had a LinkedIn but I really didn't know how to use it to its full potential. Katie explained the importance of Twitter, LinkedIn, and other ways of promotion to get your name out into the business world. For example, Katie told us to get familiar with the LinkedIn site, which seems logical, but I never did! I found things on the site I didn't even know where there, such as linking your blogs and other social media to you page. I also never completed my profile; I left so much vital information about myself, a picture and a tiny description is not enough people!  Katie also explained the importance of keywords. You should always use keywords in your headline so you brand yourself; for example, Public Relations, event planner, and social media expert. The first thing people see when they open your page is that headline; so you need to make sure it says what you're all about. Another big thing I also wasn't aware of, were the "rules" about LinkedIn. I am so used to adding people on Facebook without hesitation that I didn't know the difference between that and LinkedIn connections. Boy oh boy was I wrong! LinkedIn is all about groups and making business connections with people. Not just adding random people for no apparent reason or without some sort of real life connection, purpose, or acquaintance. You need to message people first or get "introduced" through other people in your LinkedIn network. This helped me a lot after the
Spreenkler event that was held at the Gravity Marketing building in downtown Milwaukee. During the event I was introduced Emily Lenard (who will be speaking tomorrow in UW-Whitewater at the PRSSA meeting), her coworker Andrew Wiech, and Brennan Stehling a small business owner from Small Sharp Tools. Now I am currently connected to all of them through LinkedIn and have had conversations about internships and future plans with them.
LinkedIn is a lot more powerful than I thought it was; thanks again Katie!

Link away my friends...link away! :)

Promotions baby!

So upon starting this little photography venture of mine I must say I was a wee bit skeptical at first. But now that my first big promotional event I have started is underway; I am pretty darn pumped to say the least. Okay, picture this: 3 contests, one in June, one in July, and one in August. A handful of insanely gorgeous women on a stage modeling sponsored clothing and bikinis; being judged by a well known rapper, an upcoming musical sensation from Milwaukee, and a fashionista and modeling pro from Milwaukee. Then prizes prizes prizes! Followed by an online vote for the top model who will be dubbed Miss Model in the Making 2011??? Oh and did I mention amazing food & drinks, musical performances, sand volleyball, and publicity? And of course HMS Photography will be snapping pictures of the girls and the entire event; along with providing prizes (and hosting). I guess the main thing I can take from this promotional endeavor is….I could sure get used to thisJ.

If you wanna sell pop tarts off a truck for a living, DO IT!

Okay world, I just attended another networking event. And I must say if I am going to do what some of these people do all the time, I better love my job. So here's what I decided: I'm going to put all my talents and passions in a pot. Ready, Set, GO! So the first ingredient is going to be photography (picture perfect woot woot!), then I'm going to add networking and promotions, mixed in with event planning, then top it off with a dash of writing. VOILA! The most amazing and satisfying job I could lay my hands on. And I think that everyone would do this. Hell, you only live once. Love what you do and do what you love because if you wake up every morning saying I HAVE to go to work; that's not how it should be. I want to spring out of my bed, ideas rolling and tummy rumbling for that perfect job I dished up for myself. So if you love pop tarts, and you like selling things, and you love driving around in an ice-cream truck looking vehicle; you sell them pop tarts! And you sell them with pride people! Seriously, create your own work recipe, because that’s what you're gonna be eatin’ every single day my dears.