Linked where? LinkedIn!

Katie Felten (@katiefelten) recently came to my Public Relations Tactics class to talk about this booming social media called LinkedIn. Katie currently holds a position as a promoter and strategist at MKELive.
Going into this presentation I had a LinkedIn but I really didn't know how to use it to its full potential. Katie explained the importance of Twitter, LinkedIn, and other ways of promotion to get your name out into the business world. For example, Katie told us to get familiar with the LinkedIn site, which seems logical, but I never did! I found things on the site I didn't even know where there, such as linking your blogs and other social media to you page. I also never completed my profile; I left so much vital information about myself, a picture and a tiny description is not enough people!  Katie also explained the importance of keywords. You should always use keywords in your headline so you brand yourself; for example, Public Relations, event planner, and social media expert. The first thing people see when they open your page is that headline; so you need to make sure it says what you're all about. Another big thing I also wasn't aware of, were the "rules" about LinkedIn. I am so used to adding people on Facebook without hesitation that I didn't know the difference between that and LinkedIn connections. Boy oh boy was I wrong! LinkedIn is all about groups and making business connections with people. Not just adding random people for no apparent reason or without some sort of real life connection, purpose, or acquaintance. You need to message people first or get "introduced" through other people in your LinkedIn network. This helped me a lot after the
Spreenkler event that was held at the Gravity Marketing building in downtown Milwaukee. During the event I was introduced Emily Lenard (who will be speaking tomorrow in UW-Whitewater at the PRSSA meeting), her coworker Andrew Wiech, and Brennan Stehling a small business owner from Small Sharp Tools. Now I am currently connected to all of them through LinkedIn and have had conversations about internships and future plans with them.
LinkedIn is a lot more powerful than I thought it was; thanks again Katie!

Link away my away! :)


  1. I wish I could have heard Katie speak! It sounded really interesting! I didn't realize all of the different things you could do on LinkedIn.

  2. LinkedIn is a lot more useful then it seems at first. It is definitly a great way to connect with professionals. Public Relations and Event Planning are my headline too!

  3. I also had a LinkedIn before Katie spoke but did not know how to use it effectively. After hearing Katie speak I have upgraded my profile and been much more active on LinkedIn. It was great to hear that you connected to those professionals you met at Spreenkler and now have had conversations about internships. Its all about networking!

  4. I agree with the keywords. She mentioned that in class and I was not even aware that you could alter your title bar, but now I know how effective they can be and the impact they have when people search for your profile.

  5. I'm really glad that we had to make a Linkedin for Tactics one, I also enjoyed how Katie made a point to let us students know how powerful of a tool Linkedin is for not only students, but for professionals as well.

  6. I couldn't believe all the information that Katie was telling us about social media, specifically Linkedin, and how it can be a great booster to our professional lives. I guess it is time to brush up on the Linkedin skills and start to join some groups! Creating connections, one Linkedin friend at a time. :)
